CLEARING THE GROUND 55 foundation, taking away the support of the mass of workers without which it could not survive, they would contemptuously have smiled. Neither hatred nor scorn affected Hardie. He sought nothing either from those who detested or from those who despised him. He could not be intimidated nor bought. In speech and writing he beat his policy into the heads of those who would read or listen. Because the " Lib-Labs" put their Liberalism first, they must be replaced by M.P.s who would put Labour first. Because the Liberals had lost their enthusiasm for social improvement, the workers must have their own Party. He could, he admitted, remember the time when the Liberal rank and file was tinged with the ardour for far-reaching changes. cc The first Radical movement was inspired by the ideal of political equality, and it went to pieces when the Whigs compromised with the Leaders of Radicalism and with their own principles by passing the Reform Act of 1832. Again we find •it flaring out in the Chartist movement, until once more the leaders sold the pass, and Chartism sank in a whirlwind of bitter curses and personal wranglings. The rails of Hyde Park had to go down before the wrath of an angry people ere the Commons would pass the Boroughs Enfranchisement Act, and I well remember 1884, when we all marched and cheered to the watchword of