IVlanley INDIAN DONKEYS HAVE A LIFE OF HARD WORK AND HEAVY BLOWS These small Indian donkeys are treading corn, work more usually performed in Eastern lands by heavier animals, such as oxen. Fastened together and to an upright post, they must walk around stolidly, spurred on by blows from their master. In more advanced countries the complicated threshing machine is^^glQ^ed effectively to the same end. McLeish MOKE" A COCKNEY HOLIDAY: THE LONDON COSTER WITH HIS The London donkey, usually known to its driver as "the moke," serves the coster and his family both on work-days and holidays. It is a sturdy little creature, and draws heavy loads about the streets, or to Hampstead Heath for a day's merrymaking. The coster does not usually own -his donkey, but hires it and the cart from a donkey-stable. 271