LAUGHING TORSO room behind the Pantheon. It was in the next street to a street filled with Bal Musettes and in a very low quarter. This I thought very chic and also very economical. I went to his place and painted his portrait. He sat every morning at a table with his hand on a book and a pipe beside him. I liked him very much but found him rather boring after a time. I went out with him and danced. He danced beautifully and was nice and tall. He made great friends with Cocteau, who adored Englishmen. The English are still very highly considered by the French. Principally, I think, because of what Baudelaire said about their clothes. I saw Radiguet often with Cocteau. He was a most charming boy and spoke the most beautiful French that I have ever heard spoken. He also spoke very slowly and dis- tinctly. He had white, regular teeth and greenish- grey eyes, which were of a very fine shape. His father was a very good draughtsman and worked for a French paper. The best draughtsmen in France, and there are many good ones, are very badly paid and he was very poor. He had three other children and Raymond was the eldest. Gocteau had met him and thought that he was very talented and Radiguet had become a protege of his, I think, at the time I met him, he was nineteen or twenty. I met also, about this time, for my memory is not quite exact about dates. Georges Duthuit, who afterwards married the daughter of Henri Matisse. Georges was very tall and very good- looking and had lived at Oxford. He spoke extremely good English and had large blue eyes.