LAU GHING TORSO tried all the guitars and Van Loon played all the violins. We could not find anything that we liked so moved on to the Boulevard Montparnasse. There were several shops that I knew of there, and we tried more guitars and more violins. Alas! we could not find a single guitar that we liked and I had to content myself with a large bunch of red roses. He came and sat for me a few days later and I did a drawing of him which was a bad drawing but a good likeness. I went often to his hotel near the Rue de Rivoli, and met his wife " Jimmy/' who was charming and we all went to a Russian restaur- ant in the Rue du Bac and dined. I saw them quite often. One day they asked me to go to a large hotel in the Champs Elysees to dance and have tea or cocktails. Van Loon fetched me in the Daimler, wrhich he always had in Paris. As we were walking down the corridor of the hotel leading to the ball- room I saw, walking ahead of me, a man with a wonderful figure and wide shoulders. I walked quickly on and caught him up and saw as I passed him that he was Carpentier. I saw him dancing afterwards, "Jimmy" and Van Loon's Dutch sister were waiting for us. I danced with Van Loon, who, like nearly all big men, danced very well. His wife and sister did not care about dancing. We all left together and stepped into the Daimler. As we drove away the sister said, cc Hendrik, what kind of men are they that frequent this hotel; distinguished people, attaches at Embassies, I sup- pose? " Van Loon said, " No, my dear; bastard sons of bitches! " And Jimmy said, " Oh, Hendrik! " 248