xii Chapter XII. Page SOME TESTS OF AGRICULTURAL PROSPERITY. 197 The study of the general economic condition of the people by means of tests like the extension of area under cultivation, increase in the number of plough- cattle, increase in the number of ploughs, increase in the number of carts, rise in land-values, rise in rentals, rise in the prices of agricultural produce, ease with which land revenue is paid and improve- ments in methods of cultivation. Chapter XIII. THE STANDARD OF LIVING OP THE PEOPLE. 212 The definition of the phrase 'standard of living*. The methods of studying the standard of living of a people. Grouping of the people of the village for studying their standard of living. The standard budget adopted for group I. The standard budget adopted for group II. The standard budget adopted' for group III. Chapter XIV. THE ECONOMIC CONDITION OF THE PEOPLE. 227 The balance-sheet of income and expenditure for the village as a whole. Discussion of the economic condition of the people as divided into economic groups and as divided into racial groups: the Kaliparaj and the Ujaliparaj. Causes of poverty: the small size of the holding, overpopulation and indebtedness. The pro- gramme of reconstruction. Chapter XV. CREDIT AND INDEBTEDNESS. 247 The extent, main features and causes of the indebted- ness of the people. Description of the organisation of agricultural credit in the village. A critical examination of the working of the Local Co-operative Credit Society. Services rendered by the Society. Work to be done by it. The necessity of a Land Mortgage Bank to assist it in improving the economic condition of the people.