81 making a variety of pickles. The straw of Kodra is used by the Kaliparaj to serve as beds. The stems of jute are used as fuel. Thus, as much economy as possi- ble is effected in the use of agricultural bye-products. Yet there is considerable waste. This waste is due to several factors as shown below : (i) In the first place, it is due to crop-pests and plant-dis- eases. Red rot (locally called Ratdo) and leaf smut are the diseases which frequently overtake sugarcane in this part. At the same time white ants often attack this crop and spoil some sugarcane plants by eating them away at the bottom. The people are not aware of adequate re- medies to cure and prevent such plant-diseases or attacks of pests. (ii) When sugarcane sets are being manufactured into gul it is a usual practice to invite relatives and friends to drink juice and eat warm gul. In the case of some farmers, even potfuls of juice are sent to others. This may be a good way of creating fellow-feeling but on the whole it results in much waste. (iii) Monkeys, jackals and pigs, as already mentioned, take away their share of the farmers* produce. Some of this leakage is almost inevitable under the pre- sent circumstances. Let us take, for instance paddy. When the seeds are sown, some do not germinate at all. Of those that germinate, a few seedlings are spoiled in the process of transplantation. After transplantation, as soon as plants grow mature and put on sheaves, sparrows corne in numbers and feed on the grains* Again, some grains drop down when the paddy plants are being harvested and some are lost while removing them from the farm to the farmers' house. Even when they are heaped in the farmers' compound, they are not safe, since white ants, found in large numbers in this place, swarm the ground below the heap and eat away the sheaves at the bottom. Some grains are again lost in separating them from straw and winnowing them. The mind of the people in connection with some of the 11