110 (iv) the exact nature of the distribution of land among the different owners. Taking the years 1900-1901 and 1917-18 as landmarks we find that the following are the main facts : 1900-01 1917-18 1. Total number of landowners . . 219 404 2. Total area owned, in acres . . . '3071 3143 3. Average size of the holding, in acres 14'02 7*73 The precise nature of the distribution of land among different landholders for these years is indicated by the following table : 1900-01 191T-18 Number of holders with more than 100 acres: 1 i „ „ „ 91 to 100 „ 2 1 81 to 90 „ 2 1 71 to 80 „ 1 1 „ „ 99 99 61 to 70 „ 2 1 99 99 „ „ 51 to 60 ,5 6 5 „ „ „ „ 41 to 50 „ 7 6 99 „ 99 99 31 to 40 „ 14 3 9i 99 99 99 21 to 30 „ 17 17 99 » » j» 15 to 20 „ 17 20 99 99 99 99 H tO 15 „ 15 * 36 99 99 99 » 6 tO 10 „ 24 71 99 99 99 99 1 tO 5 „ 67 132 99 „ „ below 1 acre „ 44 109 Total .219 404 It may be noted that in the last five frequency groups there is an increase in the number of holders. The fre- quency group '21 to 30 acres* shows a stationary state. The rest of the frequency groups show a decrease. This means that the holdings larger than 30 acres have been subdivided and hence the increase in the number of hold- ings smaller than 20 acres. In other words, during the period 1901 to 1917 there was a tendency to increasing subdivision of land.