ISO CULTIVATED HOLDINGS The following table shows the relation between owned holdings and cultivated holdings : Owned Holdings Cultivated Holdings or areas cultivated by one man Number Percentage Number Percentage Above 100 acres .... 3 •7 — — 91 to 100 „ .... — — — _ 81 to 90 „ . . . . — _, 1 •8 71 to 80 „ .... - _ 1 *8 61 to 70 „ .... 4 •9 2 •6 51 to 60 „ .... 4 •9 1 •3 41 to 50 „ .... 4 •9 3 •9 31 to 40 „ .... 3 ••7 — _ 21 to 30 „ .... 18 4-2 14 3-7 15 to 20 „ .... 19 4-8 22 5-8 11 to 15 „ .... 28 6-6 49 12-8 6 to 10 „ .... 67 15-6 76 19'5 1 to 5 „ .... 138 30*9 175 45-7 Below 1 acre ..... 148 34-3 39 10-1 431 100 888 100 A cursory glance at this table is likely to mislead any one. Taking 15 acres again as the size of the economic holding we see that while 12-6 per cent, of the owned hold- ings are above this limit, only 11-9 per cent, of the cultivated holdings are larger than this. This may sug- gest that the subdivision of cultivation is greater than the subdivision of ownership. This conclusion is not true, because it applies to a small fraction and the differ- ence is small and because we have seen that the average size of the cultivated holding is larger (8*2 acres) than that (7-3 acres) of an owned holding. A closer study of the different frequency groups given above shows the following tendencies :