216 the abstract budget for an average family, partly with the knowledge derived from a study of their dietary as men- tioned above, and partly by consulting different members of this community, and also of other communities who were well acquainted with their life and manners. The nor- mal budget of $n average family of this group that we have constructed and adopted in our calculation, is thus a result of frequent talks with the members of the community as well as outsiders, modified in the light of the actual weekly budgets we collected. We shall now discuss it under different items. Food : The staple food of the Kaliparaj is rice. Next in importance to rice among food-grains is Nagli which is largely consumed by them in the shape of loaves. Occa- sionally Kodra, another kind of coarse grain, is substituted for Nagli and consumed in a similar form. The village being a region where wal is invariably raised as a second crop to paddy, it, figures frequently in the budgets of these people. One usually hears the remark that if an average Kaliparaj man is supplied with as much toddy and wal as he likes, he will think himself to be in paradise on earth, and is sure to work no longer. Sometimes during the year when gul gets exhausted, they use sour milk as a sub- stitute. In summer they generally eat wal. In the rainy season they alternate sour milk with some vegetable grown on the boundaries of their fields. During the mon- soon and in winter when brooks are teeming with fish, many of them catch them for food. Among the items of food, jowar is used only occasion- ally by some of the comparatively well-to-do Dhodia and Dubla families, especially when some guests are to be entertained. Meat is indulged in only as a luxury, for it is too dear to be an item in the budget of an average family. Milk and ghee of milch cattle are rarely used, though use of milk and ghee from goats is not so rare. Salt is an indispensable item in their budget. Among spices the chief is chillies. Sometimes til-oil or ground-nut oil is used in frying vegetables.