72 A MEDIAEVAL CITY visited England. Referring to his visit to this country in 1505-6 he wrote : " There are in London live or" six men who are thorough masters of both Latin and Greek; even in Italy I doubt that you would find their equals." England's position was, therefore, in this respect a good one. ARCHERY. F. ENTERTAINMENTS In the Middle Ages holidays were taken at festivals marked in the Church calendar. Some feasts, like that of Whitsuntide, were universally observed. The ordinary length of a festival was eight days, that is, the full week—the octave. Apart from pilgrimages, the ordinary people travelled little. Moreover the life and property of travellers were not altogether secure in the forest land, with the result that treasure and distinguished people travelled under the care of an armed escort. A large city like York was practically self-supporting in public amusements. ŁThe fifteenth century saw the' full development of the religious mystery plays, and the allegorical morality plays, which with their comic interludes had become popular' from the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The feast