358 INDEX Halesowen, Manor of: essoins on the, 205, 206; fine for entry onto, 148; heriot on the, 148 ff.; incontinency on, 246; military service by peasants of, 121, 122; suit of mill owed on, 131 Hallmote, 198, 203, 208; and see Manor Court Hanging, see Gallows Hardy, Thomas, quoted, 3, 227 n. 3 Harrison, W., 228, 233 Harrow, 81, 82 Harrowing, 81, 107 Hartley, Miss D., Life and Work of the People of England (Fourteenth Century), 81 n. 2; Thomas Tusser, 81 n. 2, 82 n. 3 Harvest, 69, 82; customs, nofT.; extra rations at, 17 ff., 105, in; extra work at, notice of, 181; extra work demanded at, 105, no, in; festivals associated with, 262; food at, 235; hay ward and, 17 ff., 180; hours of work at, 104, 105; mis- demeanours at, 22, 112, 113; overseers at, 64, 177, 180, 181; reeve and, 177; whole family works at, 15, 83, 104, no, in; works last to be commuted, 280 Hastings, Rape of, 121 Haye-bote, see Wood Hayward, 15, 21, 55, "3* 178ff.; bribed to excuse military service, 122; and beadle confused, 179; dishonest, 180, 181; duties of, i79ff.; election of, 180; rewards of, 180 Hayward's horn, 17 ff. Headlands, 44 Hearnshaw, Prof. F. J. C., 205, 210 n. i Hedges, 44, 82; absence of, 5 Heisterbach, Caesarius of, Dialogus Miraculorum, 36, 48 Hell, pictures of, on church walls, 9, 32, 324 Hemp, 82, 83 Henley, Walter of, 79, 81, 86, 90, 91, 92,113,117,155,166,189,190,279 Henry II, 285 Herbs, 232 Hereford, visitation of, 1397, 332 ff. hergeat, see Heriot Heriot, 31, 101, 102, 143 ff., 188, 35i, 293, 294; heriot and "relief" confused, 148, 149 J income arising from, 147; intricate problems con- cerning, 149; not claimed, 146, 147; oppressive nature of, 145, 146; theory of, 143, 144 Herle, Justice, 309 Herrings, 184, 235 Hewitt, Mr H,J., 53, 54 Higham Ferrers, manor of, 303: borough founded on, 294; doves at, 94; rabbits at, 93 Hired labourers, see Famuli Hock Day, 269 Holy-days, 6, 9, 13, 106, 114 ff., 204; number of, allowed to peasant, 117, 118; observance of, 115 ff., 334 Holy Orders, 288, 289 Holy-water carrier, 9, 326 "Hook or by crook, By", 59, 131 Hopper, 80 Horses, 90 Hortus, 232 Hosebonderie quoted, 87, 88 n. i, 90, 92, 171 Hospitality, forced, given to lord, 142, 143, 161; on manors, 165 Hous-bote, see Wood Household furniture, see Furniture — goods, 145 ff. Houses, Ch. ix, passim; animals in, 225, 226, 239; chimneys in, 228; construction of, 67, 226 ff.; con- temporary pictures of, 231; fragile f nature of, 22, 227, 230; interior of, 232, 238; repair of, 230; size of, 253; ventilation of, 228 How to hold Pleas and Courts, 204 Hudson, Mr W., 104 n. 2, 105, ii9n. 3, 296 Hull, 141 Hundred Court, the, 173, 199 Hundred Rolls, The, 143, 184; oppression by bailiffs in, 165 Hunting, 93, 94 Incontinency, 217; and see Leyrwite Indenture system for soldiers, 125 infangenethef, 196, 198 Inn, see Ale-house Inning, see Assarts Innocent III, 245 Inquisitio Nonarum, 184 Inter-commoning, 58, 59