362 INDEX 246, 247; jury on, 206, 212; mills and milling conditions on, 130 ff.; scythale on, 268; sedge cut for thatch on, 228; sick-leave on, 113, 114; stewards of, 157, 158; wills on, 251 Relinatium, see "Second-stirring" redeinptio, 241, 242 Reeds for thatch, 228 Reeve, 15, 2i> 155 ff., i66ff.; ac- cused in Manor Court, 174; ac- quittance given to, 192; arrears of, 190, 192; attends Assizes and Hundred Court, 173; auditors and, 167, 175, 186 fF.; compulsory election as, 170; controls work of serfs, 174; dishonesty of, 174; duties of, 172 ff.; election of, 169 ff.; excused rent, 176; excused works, 177; finds sureties, 192; forgiven shortcomings, 191; lands elected to office of, 171, 172; leads rebel serfs, 173; length of service as, 167, 168, 178; payments to avoid serving as, 171; "pivot man" of manor, 168; rewards of, 158, 175 ff.; seizes land for lord, 146; servile origin of, i66ff.; tallies and the, 191; week-works and, 106, 174, 177; wills and, 251 Rentals, see Extents Rents and Services, Ch. v, passim; and see Works "Rents of assize", 141, 141 n. 8, 188 "Rep-goose", 185 n. i Revesby Abbey, 285 Richard II, 289 Richardson, Mr H. G., 327 " Right of Common", see" Common, right of" Rochester, Manors of the Bishop of: death duties on, 146 Rogers, J. E. T,, 92; History of Prices, 81 n. 6, 86, 92 n. 2; Six Centuries of Work and Wages, 234 Roraney Marsh, assarting in, 54 Rossendale, 59 Rotation of crops, 77 Rotjiamsted experiments, 78 Rural dean, 246, 247 Ruridecanal courts, 247, 248 Rushes, 161 "Rustic" as term of reproach, 288 %e, 77, 87, 184, 235 Rypon, Bishop, 267 St Albans, manors of the monks of: great court of, 203; hand-mills of peasants of, destroyed, 133; wills of peasants on, 251; windmill on property of, 129 n. i St Hugh of Lincoln, 147 Saint Paul's, Manors of the Canons of: carrying services on, 109; feasting at Christmas on, 262 Saint's days, see Holy-days Salmon, 95 Sarum, Visitation of the Dean of 328 Scarborough, enlargement of bo- rough of, 296 Schools, 22; serf pays fine to go to, 99 Scotus, Duns, 139 Scythes, 16, 82 "Second-stirring", 82 Sedge, 85 "Sedge silver", 228 S