A DARING ££J5D. C9 * Jim, how did you run Plum Point, coming up ? * ' It was in the night, there, and 1 ran it the way one of the boys on the " Diana " told me; started out about fifty yards above the wood pile on the false point, and held on the cabin under Plum Point till I raised the reef—quarter less twain—then straightened up for the middle bar till I got well abreast the old one-limbed cotton-wood in the bend, then got my stern on the cotton-wood and head on the low place above the point, and came through a-booming—nine and a half/ * Pretty square crossing, an't it %' * Yes, but the upper bar's working down fast/ Another pilot spoke up and said— 'I had better water than that, and ran it lower down; started out from the false point—mark twain—raised the second reef abreast the big snag in the bend, and had quarter less twain/ One of the gorgeous ones remarked— * I don't want to find fault with your leadsmen, but that's a good deal of water for Plum Point, it seems to me/ There was an approving nod all around as this quiet snub dropped on the boaster and * settled' him. And so they went on talk-talk- talking. Meantime, the thing that was running in my mind was, * ISTow if my ears hear aright, I have not only to get the names of all the towns and islands and bends, and so on, by heart, but I must even get up a warm personal acquaintanceship with every old snag and one-limbed cotton-wood and obscure wood pile that ornaments the banks of this river for twelve hundred miles; and more than that, I must actually know where these things are in the dark, unless these guests are gifted with eyes that can pierce through two miles of solid blackness; I wish the piloting business was in Jericho and I had never thought of it/ At dusk Mr. Bixby tapped the big bell three times (the signal to land), and the captain emerged from his drawing-room in the forward end of the texas, and looked up inquiringly. Mr. Bixby said— ' "We will lay up here all night, captain/ * "Very well, sir/ That was all The boat came to shore and was tied up for the uight. It seemed to me a fine thing that the pilot could do as he