SOUNDING. 119 * Oh, how awful to have to go out in that little boat on such a night! Do you think there is any danger ?' I would rather have been stabbed. I went off, full of venom, to help in the pilot-house. By and by the boat's lantern disappeared, and after an interval a wee spark glimmered upon the face of the water a mile away. Mr. Thornburg blew the whistle, in acknowledg- ment, backed the steamer out, and made for it. We flew along for a while, then slackened steam and went cau- tiously glid- ing toward the spark. Presently Mr. Thorn burg exclaimed— c Hello, the ^ buoy- lantern's out!7 He stopped the engines. A moment or two later he said— * Why, there it is again!' So he came ahead on the engines once more, and rang for the leads. Gradually the water shoaled up, and then began to deepen again! Mr. Thornburg muttered— 6 Well, I don't understand this. I believe that buoy has drifted off the reefl Seems to be a little too far to the left. No matter, it is safest to run over it, anyhow/ So, in that solid world of darkness we \vent creeping down on *OH, HOW AWFUL I9