:«* LIFZ Oy THE MISSISSIPPI. were in town, Stephen suddenly appeared in the midst, aiicl for Yates as for a long-loss brother. - t>/<<, I am so glad to see you I OL. ray soul, the sight of you is snob, a comfort: to my eyes! Gentlemen, I owe all of you money ; among vou I owe probably forty thousand dollars. I want to pay it; BEXIG2TAXTLY.' I intend to pay It—every last cent of it. You all know, without my telling you, what sorrow it has cost me to remain so long under such deep obligations to such patient and generous friends ; but the sharpest pang I suffer—by far the sharpest—is from the debt I owe to this noble young man here ; and I have come fco this place this morning especially to mak^-fche announcement that I have at last found a method whereby