LIFE OS THE MISSISSIPPI. * In Florida, Missouri.' A pause. Then— 6 Dern sight better staid there !' By means of a dozen or so of pretty direct questions, he pumped mv family his- J/ •^ tory out of me. The leads were going now, in the first crossing. This interrupted the inquest. When the leads had been laid in, he resumed— 6 How long you been on the river ?' I told him. After a pause— 'Where'd you get them shoes 1' I gave him the informa- tion. * Hold up your foot 1' I did so. He stepped back, examined the shoe mi- nntely &&d contamptuously, scratching his head thoughtfully, tilting his high sugar-loaf hat well forward to facilitate the operation, then ejaculated, * Well, Til be dod derned!' and returned to his wheel. What occasion there was to be dod derned about it is a thing *ABB YOU HOBACE BIGSB^'S CUB ? '