INCO&XITO IS EXPLODES. 229 texas-tender this one,' indicating the whistle-lever, 'is to call the captain '—and so he went on, touching one object after another, and reeling off his tranquil spool of lies. * I had never felt so like a passenger before. I thanked him, with emotion, for each new fact, and wrote it down in my note-book. The SHOWING THE BELLS', pilot warmed to his opportunity, and proceeded to load me up in the good old-fashioned way. At times I was afraid he was going to rupture his invention ; but it always stood the strain, and he pulled through all right. He drifted, by easy stages, into reveabnents of the river's marvellous eccentricities of one sort and another, and backed tfaem up with some pretty gigantic illttsfcrations. For instance —