LIFE ON TSTJS MISSISSIPPI, CHAPTER XXIX. A FEW SPECIMEN" BRICKS. passed through bhe Plum Point region, turned Craighead's Poinl^ and glided unchallenged by what was once the formidable Port Pillow, memorable because of the massacre perpetrated there during the war. Massacres are sprinkled with some frequency through the histories of several Christian nations, bnt this is almost the only one that can be found in American history; perhaps it is the only one which rises to a size correspondent to that huge and sombre title. We have the * Boston Massacre/ where two or three people were killed; but we must bunch Anglo-Saxon history together to find the fellow to the Fort Pillow tragedy; and doubtless even then we must travel back to the days and the performances of Cceur de Lion, that fine € hero,* before we accomplish it. More of the river's freaks. In times past, the channel used to strike above Island 37, by Brandywine Bar, and down towards Island 39. Afterward, changed its course and went from Brandy- wine down through "Vbgelman's chute in the Devil's Elbow, to Island $9—part of this course reversing the old order; the river running up four or five miles, instead of down, and cutting of£ throughout, some fifteen miles of distance. This in 1876. All that region is now called Centennial Island. There is a tradition that Island 37 was one of the principal aihififng places of the oncft celebrated *Murel*s Gang.' This was a aokesal combination of robbers, horse-thieves, negro-stealers, and counterfeiters, engaged in business along the river some fifty or sixty years ago. "While our journey across the country towards St. Louis was in progress we had had no end of Jesse James and his stirring