A THUMB-PRINT AND WE AT CAMS OF TT. 305 Did I appeal to the law—11 Does it quench the pauper's thirst if the King drink for him 1 Oh, no, no, no—I wanted no impertinent interference of the law. Laws and the gallows could not pay the debt that was owing to me ! Let the laws leave the matter in my hands, and have no fears: I would find the debtor and collect the debt. How accomplish this, do yon say ? How accomplish it, and feel so sure about it, when I had neither seen the robbers* faces, nor heard their natural voices, nor had any idea who they might be ? Never- theless, I was sure—quite sure, quite confident. I had a clue—a clue which you would not have valued—a due which would not have greatly helped even a detective, since he would lack the secret of how to apply it. I shall come to that, presently—you shall see. Let us go on, now, taking things in their due order. There was one circumstance which gave me a slant in a definite direction to begin with : Those two robbers were manifestly soldiers in tramp disguise ; and not new to military service, but old in it—regulars, perhaps; they did not acquire their soldierly attitude, gestures, carriage, in a day, nor a month, nor yet in a year. So I thought, but said nothing. And one of them had said, * the captain's voice, by O------! *—the one whose life I would have. Two miles away, several regiments were in camp, and two companies of TL S. cavalry. "When I learned that Captain Blakely, of Company C had passed our way, that night, with an escort, I said nothing, but £n that company I resolved to seek my man. In conversation I studiously and persistently described the robbers as tramps, camp followers; and among this class the people made useless search, none suspecting the soldiers but me. Working patiently, by night, in my desolated home, I made a disguise for myself oat of various odds and ends of clothing; In the nearest village I bought a pair of blue goggles. By-and-bye, when the military camp broke up, and Company C was ordered a hundred miles north, to Napoleon, I secreted my small hoard of money in my belt, and took my departure in the night, "Wlien Company C arrived in Napoleon, I was already there. Yes, I was there, with a new trade— fortune-teller. Not to seem partial, I made Mends and told fortunes among all the companies garrisoned there; but I gave Company C the great bulk of my attentions. I made myself limitlessly obliging to these particular men ; they could ask me no favour, put upon m&