TOUGH YAKNS. 331 statements: always dress a fact in tights, never in an ulster;J or, ' Pardon, once more: if you are going to load anything more on to that statement, you want to get a couple of lighters and tow the rest, because it's drawing all the water there is in the river already; stick to facts—just stick to the cold facts; what these gentlemen want for a book is the frozen truth—ain't that so, gentlemen 1' He explained privately that it was necessary to watch this man all the time, and keep him within bounds; it would not do to neglect this precaution, as he, Mr. EL, * knew to his sorrow*' Said he, * I will not deceive you; he told me such a monstrous lie onee> that it swelled my left ear up, and spread it so that I was actually not able to see out around it; it remained so for months, and people came miles to see me fen myself with it.