332 ZIFE (LY THE MISSISSIPPI. OHAPTEB XXXY. VICKSBURG DURING THE TROUBLE. WE used to plough past the lofty hill-city, Yicksburg, down-stream; but we cannot do that now. A cut-off has made a country town of it, like Osceola, St. Genevieve, and several others. There is current- less water—also a big island—in front of Yicksburg now. You come down the river the other VLCKSBUB&. s^e °* tke ;sland, then turn and come up to the town; that is, in high water: in low water you can't come up, but must land some distance below it. Signs and sears still remain, as reminders of Yicksburg's tremen- dous war-experiences; earthworks, trees crippled by the cannon balls,