344 LIFE O3? THE MISSISSIPPI. He got to dropping alongside me every day, after breakfast, to help me make my promenade; and so, in the course of time, his easy- working jaw had told me everything about his business, his prospects, his family, his relatives, his politics — in fact everything that concerned a Backus, living or dead. And meantime I think he had managed to get out of me everything I knew about my trade, my tribe, my purposes, my prospects, and myself. He was a gentle and persuasive genius, and this thing showed it; for I was not given to talking about my matters. I said something about triangulation, once; the stately word pleased his ear; he inquired what it meant; I explained ; after that he quiet- ly and inoffensively ignored my •name, and always called me Triangle. What an enthusiast he was in cattle! At the bare name of a bull or a cow, his eye •would light and his eloquent tongue would turn itself loose. As long as I would walk and listen, he would walk and talk; he knew all breeds, he loved all breeds, he caressed them all with his affectionate MY PBOMENABE.