MAXVFACTURES AXD MISCHEANTS. S6T labels. One of 'm's from Europe, the other's never been out of this coun- try. One's European olive-oil, the other's American cotton-seed olive- oil. Tell 'm apart ] 'Course you can't. Nobody can. People that want to, can go to the expense and trouble of shipping their oils to Europe and back—it's their privilege ; but our firm knows a trick worth six of that. "We turn out the whole thing—clean from the word go— 4 SMELL THEM, TASTE THEM.' in our factory in New Orleans: labels, bottles, oil, everything. Well, no, not labels : been buying tfiem abroad—get them dirt-cheap there. You see, there's just one little wee speck, essence, or wfjateve* it is, in a gallon of cotton-seed oil, that give it a smell, or a Savour, or something—get that out, and you're all right—perfectly easy then to turn the oil into any kind of oil you want to, and there ain't aaiy-