372 LIFE ON THE MISSISSIPPI. the young ladies are trained according to the southern ideas of delicacy, re- finement, womanhood, religion, and propriety; hence we offer a first-class female college for the south and solicit southern patronage/ What, warder, ho ! the man that can blow so complacent a blast as that, probably blows it from a castle. JVom Baton Rouge to New Orleans, the great sugar plantations border both sides of the river all the way, and stretch their league-wide levels back to the dim forest-walls of bearded cypress in the rear. Shores lonely no longer. Plenty of dwellings all the way, on both banks—standing so close together, for long distances, that the broad river lying between the two rows, becomes a sort of spacious street. A most home-like and happy-looking region. And now and then you see a pillared and porticoed great manor-house, embowered in trees. Here is testimony of one or two of the procession of foreign tourists that filed along here half a century ago. Mrs. Trollope 'The unbroken flatness of the banks of the Mississippi continued unvaried for many miles above New Orleans; "but the graceful and luxuriant palmetto, general approval in the community; knowing that the law was powerless, in the actual condition of public sentiment, to protect him, he protected himself. About the same time, two young men in North Carolina quarrelled about a girl, and * hostile messages * were exchanged. Friends tried to reconcile them, but had their labour for their pains. On the 24th the young men met in the public highway. One of them had a heavy club in his hand, the other an axe. The man with the club fought desperately for his life, but it was a hope- less fight from the first. A well-directed blow sent his club whirling out of his grasp, and the next moment he was a dead man. About the same time, two * highly connected * young Virginians, clerks in a hardware store at Charlottesville, while * skylarking,* came to blows. Peter Dick threw pepper in Charles Roads's eyes; Roads demanded an apo- logy ; Dick refused to give it, and it was agreed that a duel was inevitable, but a difficulty arose; the parties had no pistols, and it was too late at night to procure them. One of them suggested that butcher-knives would answer the purpose, and the other accepted the suggestion; the result was that Roads fell to tile floor with a gash in his abdomen that may or may not prove fatal. If Dick has been arrested, the news has not reached us. He * expressed deep regret,1 and we are told by a Staunton correspondent of the PhiladelpMa Pres* that * every effort has been made to hush the matter up.*—Extracto frem. the Public Journal*.