CITY SIGHTS. 405 c baker's dozen.' It is something thrown in? gratis, for good measure. The custom originated in the Spanish quarter of the city. When a child' or a servant buys something in a shop—or even the mayor or the governor, for aught I know—he finishes the operation by saying— * Give me something for lagiiiappe.' The shopman, always responds ; gives the child a bit of liquorice- root, gives the servant a cheap cigar or a spool of thread, gives the governor—I don't know what he gives the governor ; support, likely. When you are invited to drink, and this does occur now and then in New Orleans—and you say, * What, again 1—no, I Ve had enough;' the other party says, * But just this one time more—this is for lagniappe.* When the beau perceives that he is stacking his compliments a tritie too high, and sees by the young lady's countenance that the edifice would have been better with the top compliment left off, he puts his * I beg pardon—no harm intended,' into the briefer form of * Oh, that's for lagniappe.' If the waiter in the restaurant stumbles and spills a gill of coffee down the back of your neck, he says * For lagni- appe, sah,* and gets you another cup without extra charge.