432 LIFE ON THE MISSISSIPPI. peculiarly violent and unusual way, half a dozen years before: a cyclone blew him some three miles and knocked a tree down with him which was four feet through at the butt and sixty-five feet high. He did not survive this triumph. At the seance just referred to, my fiiend questioned his late uncle, through Mr. Manchester, and the late uncle wrote down his replies, using Mr.__Manchester's hand and SMOKE AND GOSSIP. pencil for that purpose. The following is a fair example of the ques- tions asked, and also of the sloppy twaddle in the way of answeis, furnished by Manchester under the pretence that it came from the speefcre. If this man is not the paltriest fraud that lives, I owe him aa apology— Question. Where are you f Answer. In the spirit world. Q. Are you happy I