453 pulled down over his forehead—imagining himself to be Othello or some such character, and imagining that the passing crowd marked his tragic bearing and were awestruck. I joined him, and tried to get him down out of the clouds, but did not succeed. However, he casually informed me, presently, that he was a member of the Walnut Street theatre company —and he tried to say it with indifference, but the indifference was thin, f'jfi and a mighty exultation l ',r|(jfii showed through it. He said he was cast for a part in Julius Caesar, for that night, and if I should come I woiild see him. If I should comef I said I wouldn't miss it if I were dead. I went away stupefied with astonishment, and saying to myself, * How strange it is ! we, always thought this fellow a fool; yet the moment he comes to a great city, where intelligence and appreciation abound, the talent concealed in this shabby napkin is at once discovered, and promptly welcomed and hoxiotired/ But I came away from the tfreatre that night disappointed and STAGB-STBUCK*