510 LIFE ON THE MISSISSIPPI. custom ; that is to s&y, clothed in a Christian military uniform, acd with a Christian cane in his hand, but deposited in the grave in a sitting posture. Formerly, a horse had always been buried witha chief. The substitution of the cane shows that Black Hawk's haughty nature was really humbled, and he expected to walk when he oot over. We noticed that abovo Dubuque the water of the Mississippi was olive-green—rich and beautiful and semi-transparent, with the sun MAJESTIC BLUFFS. on it. Of course the water was nowhere as clear or of as fine a com- plexion as it is in some other seasons of the year• for now it was afe flood stage, and therefore dimmed and blurred by the mud manufac- tured from caving banks. The majestic bluffs that overlook the river, along through this region, charm one with the grace and variety of their forms, and tibe soft beauty of their adornment. The steep verdant slope, whose base is at the water's edge, is topped by a^ lofty rampart of broken, turrets*!