LONG ISLAND BOTANICAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER Preliminary Atlas of the Magnoliideae on Long Island, N.Y., Part 1 The Flora Committee of the Long Island Botani- cal Society has been working for the past year on this third contribution to a preliminary atlas of the flora of Long Island. The first contribution treated the Ferns and Fern Allies and was printed in the LIBS newsletter in 1994; the Gymnosperm atlas was presented in 1995. This contribution includes distribution dot maps for all the families treated in Mitchell and Beal (Magnoliaceae through Ceratophyllaceae of New York State. N.Y. State Bulletin 435. 1979). The Flora Committee plans to provide detailed discus- sion of each species in the future. Notes. Persea borbonia: we have no records more detailed than to the county. Asarum canadense: repons from Huntington may be con- fused with A. shuttleworthii. Nuphar luteum as recognized here includes several subspecies. Recent evidence suggests that these should be recognized as species which are not related to N. luteum. More work will be needed to sort out the distributions of these taxa on Long Island. Submitted by the LIBS Flora Committee Highlights Atlas of the Magnoliideae on L.L 41 Distribution Maps 42 Botanical Find of the Year 44 Environmental Bond Acts 45 Programs 46 Key to Map Symbols Closed circle [•] = there is a specimen for this area collected after 1980. Open circle [o] = there is a specimen for this area collected before 1980. Closed square [■] = there is a specimen from this area collected before 1980 and a report (based upon a visual sighting or published literature report) from this area after 1980. Closed triangle [a] = there is a report (based upon a visual sighting or published literature report) from this area after 1980. Open triangle [a] = there is a repon (based upon a visual sighting or published literature report) from tnis area before 1980. Botany Quiz Identify the fruits shown below; all are from L. I. species included in the Atlas of the Magnoliideae (Ajiswers are on page 44) LI. Botanical Society Nov. - Dec. 1996 Page 41 MAGNOLIACEAE ANNONACEAE CALYCANTHACEAE Magnolia acuminata (L.) L. - Alien CUCUMBER-TREE