Lord’s Day 19 Themes and Divisions




The confession concerning the primacy of Jesus Christ,


  1. As Head of the Church
  2. As King of all creation
  3. As Judge of all people


George Van Popta


Christ the exalted King


  1. The majesty of his exaltation
  2. The blessing of his exaltation
  3. The comfort of his exaltation


D. Wynia


Our Lord Jesus Christ is at the right hand of God and will come to judge the living and the dead


  1. He is the Head of the church and the Ruler of the world
  2. He is Defender of the church against the world
  3. He is Redeemer of the church and the Judge of the world


C. Bouwman


The Christ who died for us rules earth from heaven until he returns


  1. Christ rules the earth as King today
  2. Christ returns to the earth as Judge tomorrow


J. Kok


The Head of the congregation


  1. The source of her life
  2. The fulfiller of all her needs
  3. The hope of her future


The last two stages of Christ’s exaltation


  1. The session at God’s right hand
  2. The rule of his congregation
  3. His return for judgment


K. Dijk


Jesus reigns


  1. Over all things – his kingdom of power
  2. Over his church – his kingdom of grace


Christ’s kingly glory


  1. In what does it consist?
  2. What purpose does it serve?
  3. Where does it lead? 


B. Holwerda


Christ Jesus – the fulfillment of Psalm 110


Because he went to sit on the the throne of Father, he is proven to be:


  1. The Regent of the world
  2. The Head of the church
  3. The Judge of all


R.H. Bremmer


The majesty of Christ our head comes out in:


  1. God’s rule of all things through him
  2. The great value for us of his majesty
  3. His leading history to its end