MAN IN THE MODERN WORLD persons in this country are concerned, the mental differences which we observe, after stripping off the obvious acquirements in the form of knowledge of facts, habits, customs, manners, are due only in very small part to differences in the physical environment, and in a varying though never to a large degree to differences in the social environ- ment, and for the greater part to inherited differences." And he draws the same general conclusion with regard to the physical differ- ences. Yet in the few years since Professor Carr-Saunders' book was written, this conclusion has beome extremely unlikely. For recent work has shown that vitamins and other accessory food-factors have physical and mental effects far transcending what we originally thought possible. In the early years of vitamin research, attention was concentrated upon the definitely pathological states resulting from total or almost total deprivation. During the last ten years, it has been shown that moderate insufficiency of these accessory food-factors will result in retardation of growth, stunting, lack of physical and mental energy, and reduced resistance to infectious disease. Even boys who by all ordinary canons were regarded as in fine health and well above the average in physique were shown to benefit both in growth and in energy from the addition of extra milk to their diet. Sir John Orr has shown that the diet actually consumed by the poorer classes in Aberdeen, when given in unlimited quantities to rats, results in poor physique, small litters, low expectation of life, and proneness to numerous diseases, while the same diet with the addition of various vitamins and mineral salts kept the animals in tip-top condition.1 In the face of such facts, it is no longer legitimate to attribute the observed differences in physique and intelligence between social classes mainly to genetic factors. Genetic differences may of course exist ; but the strong probability is that most of the differences are dependent on differences in nutrition. Further, the defective nutrition of the poorer classes is in part due to ignorance, but in a large measure to mere poverty. Until we equalize nutrition, or at least nutritional opportunity, we have no scientific or other right to assert the constitu- tional inferiority of any groups or classes because they are inferior in visible characters. The extreme importance of applying accurate methods to the problem is shown by the results of recent investigations on twins. As is well known, twins may be identical or monozygotic, always of the same sex and both derived from the same fertilized egg; or they may be fraternal or dizygotic, either of like or unlike sex, and derived from 1 Cited in Orr, 1936. 30