METHOD OF MABXIST STUDY 45 -while struggling for national salvation. Many of the best of China's sons have joined the struggle and sacrificed themselves, advancing by moving over the dead bodies of their fallen comrades. This is worthy of commemoration in tears and lyrics. It was only after the first world war and the October Revolu- tion in Russia that we found Marxism-Leninism, the best weapon for our national liberation. The Chinese Communist Party is the proposer, propagandist and organiser in the use of this weapon. The marriage between the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism and the concrete practice of the Chinese Revolution has changed the features of the latter. Ever since the outbreak of the war of resistance our Party has advanced a step in the study of present- day China and the world, basing itself on the universal truth pro- pounded by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, and the study of China's past has also begun. Such phenomena are good. Two—But we have our defects. I think if we do not correct these defects, we shall not be able to advance a step further in advancing the merging of the universal truth propounded by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin with the concrete practice of the Chinese Revolution. Let us first of all speak about the study of the pre- sent conditions. In spite of the fact that ours is such a large political party, yet the data we have collected concerning the political, military, and cultural conditions of our country and other nations of the world are incomplete. Our study is unsys- tematic, though we have had some results in our study of national and international conditions. Speaking in general, we have not in the past twenty years done anything in the way of collecting mate- rials concerning the above-mentioned problems, and stressing or emphasising on careful study and elaborate systematisation. We have not created the atmosphere for investigation and study of the objective real condition. " Closing one's eyes to catch sparrows," or ** blind men trying to grab fish," sadly lacking in details, blow- ing an empty trumpet, and satisfied with knowing a little and understanding only a half, is our style of work. Such extremely bad style of working which is completely in contrast to the funda- mental spirit and method of work of Marxism-Leninism is still followed by many of our comrades. Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin taught us to study seriously the existing conditions starting from the real objective circumstances and not from onr subjective wishes, but many of our comrades are acting directly in contrast to this guiding truth.