THE REBEL 215 be a full one: a continuous tenacious living, level, hard and free from thought. In a sense he has laid down his burden and makes no attempt to carry it farther. And so it goes on for years. Until the sleepless night conies when he discovers that not even this burden is left to him. Death has been liberal with its mercies. But now ease becomes a burden. Around him is emptiness, a drear emptiness left after his deliverance from his burden, a vacuum attracting thoughts over which he has no control; and for an untrained mind that is misery. With the great encompass- ing atmosphere of a household lost to him, he sees with pitiless clarity the countless minor deficiencies of his life. He has seen them of course before this, on occasions when he was alone and away from the household, but above them was that which awaited him at home: his wife, children, cow, in a word, the household. However wretched it wTas, it was something to which each member of the family unconsciously clung for protection; while it existed, even God was as though a feature of it. Now this solid centre of things has dropped out; the flat expanse of all-life has risen to a level with the ego. The two sleeping children have become encumbrances, minor matters the main thing. Deep under the surface of Juha3s waking mood an instinctive desire for new company was