astonished the speaker, but wMch he eventually attributed to
concentrated rage. After he had finished Ms speech, the former
quietly said, "Will you favour me by coming here at Time
o'clock to-morrow morning, sir?"

" Most certainly," was the reply.
, "Allow me, however, at once," continued Mr. Hughes, "to
express my thanks for your kindness in informing me of that
wMch so nearly concerns my domestic happiness. Will you
take a glass of madeira?"

"I thank you, sir," answered the other.
The wine was brought and drunk, and the friend departed,
congratulating himself, as he walked away, upon having
" settled Joe's business;" wMch indeed he had, but not after the
fasMon he expected or intended.

As to Grimaldi, he was up with the lark, arranging the
machinery and making it look and work to the best advantage;
in wMch having siicceeded to Ms heart's content, he put the
models he had promised Mr. Hughes into Ms pocket, and walked
down to Ms house to breakfast, agreeably to the arrangement of
the night before.

Upon Ms arrival, he was told that breakfast was not quite
ready, and likewise that Mr. Hughes wished to see him imme-
diately in the treasury, where he was then awaiting Ms arrival.
There was something in the manner of the servant-girl (the
same, by-the-by, who had told of the kissing), as she said tMs,
wMch induced Mm involuntarily to fear some ill, and, without
knowing exactly why, he began to apprehend those thousand
and one impossible, or at least improbable, evils, the dread of
wMch torments the man nervously afraid of losing some treasure
upon the possession of wMch Ms happiness depends.

" Is Mr. Hughes alone ?" he asked.
"No, sir," answered the girl: "there is a gentleman with
him;"—and then she mentioned a name wMch increased Ms
apprehensions. However, plucking up all Ms courage, he ad-
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