was all very pleasant, and returning' to supper, were treated
with great hospitality. On retiring to rest, Bologna acknow-
ledged that "matters might have been worse," but:before pro-
nouncing a final opinion, prudently waited to ascertain how the
preserves would turn out. On the following day they divided
their time pretty equally between eating, drinking-, chatting-
with the chance customers of the house, their host and his
mother, and, though last, not least, preparing their guns for
the havoc which they purposed making the next morning in
the preserves of Mr. Mackintosh, of which preserves he still
continued to speak in terms of the highest praise.

Accordingly, they met at the breakfast-table a full hour
earlier than on the previous day, and having despatched a
hearty meal, sallied forth, accompanied by Mr. Mackintosh,
who declined carrying a gun, and contented himself with show-
ing the way. Having walked some little distance^ they came
to a stile, which they climbed over, and after traversing a plot
of pasture-land arrived at a gate, beyond which was a field of
fine buckwheat. Here the guide called a halt.

"Wait a minute!—wait a minute.!" cried he; "yon,arenot
so much accustomed to sporting as I."

They stopped. He advanced to the gate, looked over, and
hastily returned.

" Wow's the time!" he said eagerly; "there's lots of birds in
that ,neld!"' They crept very cautiously onwards: but when
they reached the gate and saw beyond it, were amazed to
discern nothing but an immense quantity of pigeons feeding in
the field.

"There's a covey!" said Mackintosh, admiringly.
" A covey!" exclaimed Gxunaldi. "Where? I see nothing
but pigeons!"

" Nothing but pigeons!" exclaimed Mackintosh, con-
temptuously. "What did you expect to find? Nothing but