1806 to 1807-
He returns to town, gets frozen to the roof of a coach on the road, and pays his
rent twice over when he arrives at home—Mr. Charles Farley—His first
appearance at Covent Garden—Valentine and Orson—Production of " Mother
Goose," and its immense success—The mysterious Adventure of the Six
Ladies and the Six Gentlemen.

THET were sis days getting back to London, the weather being
very inclement, and the travelling very indifferent. Through a
mistake of the booking-office keeper, Grimaldi had to travel the
earlier portion of the road from Holyhead outside the coach.
The cold was so intense, and the frost so severe, that he actually
got frozen to Ms seat; and when the coach arrived at Eed Land-
ford, it was with some difficulty that he was lifted off, and con-
veyed into an inn in a complete state of exhaustion and help-
lessness. His feet were bathed in brandy, and various other,
powerful stimulants applied with the view of restoring suspended
circulation, but several hours elapsed before he recovered, and
it was not until the following morning that he was enabled to
resume his journey towards London, where he at length arrived
without further hindrance or accident.

He had no sooner returned to town than an unpleasant cir-
cumstance occurred, as if in especial illustration of his often-
urged remark, that he never had a sum of money but some un-
foreseen demand was made upon, him, or some extraordinary
exigency arose.

He had been one morning to the City on business, and was
somewhat amazed on. his return to find a broker and his'