30 MEMOIES OP JOSEPH GEIMALDI. Wells theatre, had formed an acquaintance with, and married Mr, Eobert Fairbrother, of that establishment, and Drury Lane, upon which Mrs. Bailey, the widow, took Mr. Fairbrother into partnership as a furrier, in which pursuit, by industry and per- severance, he became eminently successful. This circumstance would be scarcely worth mentioning, bxit that it shows the industry and perseverance of Griraaldi, and the ease with which, by the exercise of those qualities, a very young person may overcome all the disadvantages and tempta- tions incidental to the most precarious walk of a precarious pursuit, and become a useful and respectable member of society. He earned many a guinea from Mr. Tail-brother by working at his trade, and availing himself of his instruction in his leisure hours; and when he could do nothing in that way, he would go to Newton-street, and assist his uncle and cousin, the carcase butchers, for nothing; such was his unconquerable antipathy to being idle. He does not inform us, whether it required a prac- tical knowledge of trade, to display that skill and address with which, in his subsequent prosperity, he would diminish the joints of his customers asabaker, or increase the weight of their meat as a butcher, but we hope, for the credit of trade, that his morals in this respect were wholly imaginary. These were his moments of occupation, but he contrived to find moments of amusement besides, which were devoted to the breeding of pigeons, and collecting of insects, which latter amusement he pursued with such success, as to form a cabinet coatatniog no fewer than 4000 specimens of flies, " collected," ho says, " at the expense of a great deal of time, a great deal of money, and a great deal of vast and actual labour,"—for all of whieh, no doubt, the entomologist will deem him sufficiently rewarded. He appears in old age to have entertained a peculiar relish for the recollection of these pursuits, and calls to mind a part of Surrey where there was a very famous fly, and a part of Kent where there was another famous fly; one of these was appearance on two slack wires, passing through a hoop, with a