70 MEMOIRS OF JOSEPH GBIMALBI. Ms Mends as well as himself, hated Grimaldi most cordially, and the meeting was consequently by no means an agreeable one to Mm; for if he had chanced to set eyes upon Miss Hughes, great miseMef-makiag and turmoil would be the inevitable consequence. "In the name of wonder, Grimaldi," said tMs agreeable cha- racter, " what are you doing here ?" "Going back to London," replied Grrimaldi, "as I suppose most of us are." " That is not what I meant," said De Cleve : " what I meant was, to ask you what business might have taken you to Graves- end ?" "Oh! no business at all," replied the other: "directly I landed, I went off by the tide-coach to Chatham.." "Indeed!" said the other. "Yes," said Grrimaldi. The treasurer looked rather puzzled at tMs, sufficiently show- ing by Ms manner that he had been hunting about Gravesend all day in search of the young man. He remained silent a short time, and then said, " I only asked because I thought you might have had a dinner engagement at Gravesend, perhaps,—with a young lady, even. "Who knows ?" TMs little sarcasm on the part of the worthy treasurer con- vinced Grimaldi, that having somewhere picked up the informa- tion that Miss Hughes was at Gravesend, and having heard afterwards from Mrs. Lewis, or somebody at the theatre, that Grimaldi was going to the same place, he had followed Mm ftifeer with the amiable intention of playing the spy, and watcMng his proceedings. If he had observed the young people together, his miscMevous intentions would have been completely successful; but the tide-coach had balked him, and Mr. De Cleve's good-natured arrangements were futile. Grimaldi laughed in Ms sleeve as the real state of the case presented itself to Ms mind; and feeling well pleased that he irst and second floors were