MEMOIRS OF JOSEPH GBIHAXDI. 131 him in the situation he had previously held, adding unasked a pound a week to his former salary, " in order," as he expressed himself, "that matters "might be arranged in a manner pro- foundly satisfactory." On the day after, "Harlequin Amulet" flourished in the bills in large letters for the following Monday; a rehearsal was called, and during its progress Kemble took an opportunity of encountering Grimaldi, and said, with great good humour, that he was very glad to see him there again, and that he hoped it would be very long before they parted company. In this ex- pression of feeling Grrimaldi very heartily concurred; and so ended his discharge from Drury Lane Theatre, entailing upon him no more unpleasant consequences than the easily-borne infliction of an increased salary. So ended, also, the Exeter scheme, which was abandoned at once by Mr. Hughes, whose only object had been to serve his son-in-law. "About this time," says Grrimaldi, " I used frequently to see the late Mr. M. GK Lewis, commonly called Monk Lewis, on account of his being the author of a well-known novel, better known from its dramatic power than from its strait-laced pro- priety or morality of purpose. He "was an effeminate looking man, almost constantly lounging about the green-rooni of Drury Lane, and entering into conversation with the ladies and gen- tlemen, but in a manner so peculiar, so namby-pamby (I cannot tTrniTr at this moment of a more appropriate term), that it was far from pleasing a maj ority of those thus addressed. His writings prove him to have been a clever man; a consummation which his conversation would most certainly have failed signally in producing. I have often thought that Sheridan used to laugh in his sleeve at this gentleman; and I have, indeed, very good reason for believing that Lewis, upon many more occasions than one, was the undisguised butt of our manager. Be that as it may, Monk Lewis's play of the Castle Spectre was most un- doubtedly a great card for Drury Lane; it drew immense K 2 " as the bill of Monday, August 30, mentions the performance of the new