inaroras OF JOSEPH GBIMAXBI. 209 shared off, and his person being kept under strict restraint. Concluding that he had a maniac to deal with, Grimaldi spoke in a very gentle, quiet manner, which the patient observing, hurst into a roar of laughter. " My dear fellow," said Bradbury, " don't look and speak to me in that way!—for though you find me here, treated as a patient, and with my head shaved, I am no more mad than you are." Grrimaldi rather doubted this assurance, knowing it to be a common one with insane people, and therefore kept at a respect- ful distance. He was not long in discovering, however, that what Bradbury said was perfectly true. The circumstances which had led to his confinement in the lunatic asylum were briefly these: Bradbury was a very dashing person, keeping a tandem, and associating with many gentlemen and men of title. Upon one occasion, when he had been playing at Plymouth, a man-of-war was coming round from that town to Portsmouth, on board of which he had several friends among the officers, who took Tn'm on board with them. It was agreed that they should sup together at Portsmouth. A. splendid meal having been pre- pared, they spent the night, or at least the larger portion of it, in great hilarity. As morning approached, Bradbury rose to retire, and then, with considerable surprise, discovered that a magnificent gold snuff-bos, with a gold chain attached, which he was accustomed to wear in hiAob, and which he had placed on the table for the use of his friends, had disappeared. He mentioned the circumstance, and a strict search was imme- diately instituted, but with no other effect than that of proving that the valuable box was gone. "When every possible conjec- ture had been hazarded, and inquiry made without success, it was recollected that one of their companions, a young gentleman already writing " Honourable" before his name, and having a coronet in no very remote perspective, had retired from the um, and had