OF MATHEMATICS sixteen, and while a student at the college of Louis-le-Grand . . . Galois occupied himself with this difficult subject.' Liouville then states that the referees at the Academy had rejected Galois' memoirs on account of their obscurity. He continues: kAn exaggerated desire for conciseness was the cause of this defect which one should strive above all else to avoid when treating the abstract and mysterious matters of pure Algebra. Clarity is, indeed, all the more necessary when one essays to lead the reader farther from the beaten path and into wilder territory. As Descartes said, "\Yhen transcendental questions are under discussion be transcendentally clear." Too often Galois neglected this precept; and we can understand how illustrious mathematicians may have judged it proper to try, by the harshness of their sage advice, to turn a beginner, full of genius but inexperienced, back on the right road. The author they censured was before them, ardent, active; he could profit by their advice. 'But now everything is changed. Galois is no more! Let us not indulge in useless criticisms; let us leave the defects there and look at the merits.' Continuing, Liouville tells how he studied the manuscripts, and singles out one perfect gem for special mention. 'My zeal was well rewarded, and I experienced an intense pleasure at the moment when, having filled in some slight gaps, I saw the complete correctness of the method by which Galois proves, in particular, this beautiful theorem: In order that an irreducible equation of prime degree be solvable by radicals it is necessary and sufficient that aU its roots be rational functions of any two of them.9* Galois addressed his wifl to his faithful friend Auguste Chevalier, to whom the world owes its preservation. *My dear friend% he began, *I have made some new discoveries in analy- sis/ He then proceeds to outline such as he has time for. They were epoch-making. He" concludes: 'Ask Jacobi or Gauss publicly to give their opinion, not as to the truth, but as to the importance of these theorems. Later there will be, I hope, some * The significance of this theorem will he clear if the reader will glance thiongh the extracts from Abel in Chapter 17* 414