THE LAST UNIVEBSALIST Professor of Mathematical Analysis. Two years later he was promoted (at the age of twenty-seven) to the University of Paris where, in 1886, he was again promoted, taking charge of the course in mechanics and experimental physics (the last seems rather strange, hi view of Poincare's exploits as a student in the laboratory). Except for trips to scientific congresses in Europe and a visit to the United States hi 1904 as an invited lecturer at the St Louis Exposition, Poincare spent the rest of Ms life in Paris as the ruler of French mathematics. Poincare's creative period opened with the thesis of 1878 and closed with his death in 1912 - when he was at the apex of his powers. Into this comparatively brief span of thirty-four years he crowded a mass of work that is sheerly incredible when we consider the difficulty of most of it. His record is nearly 500 papers on new mathematics, many of them extensive memoirs, and more than thirty books covering practically all branches of mathematical physics, theoretical physics, and theoretical astronomy as they existed in his day. This leaves out of account his classics on the philosophy of science and his popular essays. To give an adequate idea of this immense labour one would have to be a second Polncare1, so we shall presently select two or three of his most celebrated works for brief description, apologizing here once for all for the necessary inadequacy. Poineare's first successes were in the theory of differential equations, to which he applied all the resources of the analysis of which he was absolute master. This early choice for a major effort already indicates Poincare's leaning toward the applica- tions of mathematics, for differential equations have attracted swarms of workers since the time of Newton chiefly because they are of great importance in the exploration of the physical universe. 'Pure* mathematicians sometimes like to imagine that all their activities are dictated by their own tastes and that the applications of science suggest nothing of interest to them. Nevertheless some of the purest of the pure drudge away their Jives over differential equations that first appeared in the translation of physical situations into mathematical symbolism, and it is precisely these practically suggested equations which are the heart of the theory. A particular equation suggested by 593