66 The Seventeenth Century (1603 - 17 appear on this age.393 His last master, William III, remains a controversial figure. Haley, studying his secret negotiations \vith the opponents of Charles II, regards him as skilful and justified;394 Pinkham's attempt to denigrate his role in 1688 is less convincing.395 The most balanced, and best written, treatment appears in Baxter's biography.396 Other figures of the age have had biographies written about them: especially an outstanding whig politician397 and the one and only Quaker politician, treated in that capacity twice over.398 The Glorious Revolution has not been specifically re- analysed, but there have been some tentative contributions. CreswelTs study of the year is good on the European setting but does not unravel the politics.399 Beddard offers two contribu- tions, which show toryism in action both before and after the event.400 Sachse considers the part played by what politeness may call popular support.401 And a useful summary-cum- 563 John P. Kenyan, Robert Spencer,, Earl of Sunderland. L: Longmans: 1958. Pp. xii, 396. Rev: EHR 75, 165; HJ 2, 8yfF. 3fi* K. D. H. Haley, William of Orange and the English Opposition, z6> - 2674. O: Clarendon: 1953. Pp. 231. Rev: EHR 69, 337^ 885 Lucille Pinkham, William III and the Respectable Revolution. C (Mass.): Harvard UP: 1954. ?3P- &* 272. Rev: EHR 70, 3S* Stephen B. Baxter, William III. L: Longmans: 1966. Pp. xii, 460. Rev: EHR 84, 58sff. 897 G. F. Trevallyn Jones, Saw-Pit Wharton: the political career from 1640 to i6gi of Philip, fourth lord Wharton. Sydney UP: 1967. Pp. x, 300. Rev: EHR 84, 613. **8 Joseph E. Illick, William Pern the Politidan: his relations with the English Government. Ithaca: Cornell UP: 1965. Pp. xi; 267. Rev: EHR 83, 1 78. -Mary M. Dunn, William Pern: politics and conscience. Princeton UP: 1967. Pp. xi, 206. Rev: EHR 84, 182, "» John Creswcll, The Descent on England. L: Barrie & RocklifF: 1969. Pp. 259.