78 The Eighteenth Century (1714 - /5/j) She too, however, has her foray into social description, though she confines herself interestingly to the capital in its capital heyday.472 One would hardly look to Michael, whose monu- mental history of the first half of the century has now reached completion, for novel concepts or interpretations; his virtues, especially his thorough dissection of international affairs, continue to impress.473 Perhaps one might have expected rather more from Watson whose contribution to the Oxford History of England presents a clear enough account of the years 1760 - 1815 but succeeds neither in bringing them to life nor in renovating an old story.474 Much more lively, though not very deep, is \Vhite's brisk run through the age.475 (B) POLITICAL HISTORY A number of monographs concentrate on the crises of the period. Carswell succeeds in making the bubble of 1721 (crisis of credit) comprehensible, a notable achievement.47S The new dynasty's uncertain hold on the throne led to the expected conspiracies, and Jones does good service by refusing to confine himself to the two familiar risings,477 Beattie studies the polit- ical influence of the court; Reitan the political consequences of the necessity that the costs of monarchy be covered.478 The irrational unrest of this age of reason appears formidably in 478 Dorothy Marshall, Dr Johnson's London. New York: Wiley: 1968. Pp. xiv, 293. Rev: Hist 54, 286. 473 Wolfgang Michael, English Gesckichte im 18. Jahrhundert, Bd. V: Englands Aufstieg zur Weltmacht. Basel: Verlag fur Recht und Gcsellschaft; 1955. Pp. xvi, 726. Index to vols. 1-5. 474 J. Steven Watson, The Ragn of George ///, 1760 -1815. O: Claren- don: 1960. Pp. xviii, 637. Rev: EHR 77, ii5&; HJ 4, 2i8ff. *7i Reginald J. White, The Age of George III. L: Heinemann: 1968. Pp. ix, 251. *7f John P. Carswell, The South Sea Bubble. L: Cresset: 1960. Pp. xi, 314. Rev: EcHR* 16, 36rf, 477 G. H, Jones, The Mainstream, of Jacobitism. C (Mass.): Harvard UP: 1954. Pp. x, 275. Rev: EHR 70, 672. m John M. Beattie, 'The court of George I in English politics*, EHR 8r (1966), 26-37. ~E. A. Reitan, "The civil list in eighteenth- century British politics: parliamentary supremacy versus the in- dependence of the crown', HJ 9 (1966), 318-37.