Empire 89 dence is particularly impressive.544 Smith remembers the men who remained true to their king and supported the mother country against the rebellious colonists.545 Patterson remem- bers an even more readily forgotten story from the same war.54* Three regions of the naval warfare which ran alongside the continental struggle against Napoleon have been described: Mackesy attends to the Mediterranean, Ryan to the Baltic, and Parkinson to the very obscure events in the Indian Ocean.347 (E) EMPIRE We can here treat only of those works concerned with British expansion overseas that look at the matter from England out- wards. Two large-scale operations cover the whole story between them, Gipson has happily concluded his twelve- volume history of the empire down to the loss of the American colonies of which five volumes had appeared before I945.5*8 While this idiosyncratic work carries a mildly oldfashioned air, Harlow's two volumes, which describe the consequences of that loss and the start on recovery, constitute a fine example of 544 Piers Mackesy, The War for America, 1775 - 1783. L: Longmans: 1964. Pp. xx, 565. 545 Paul H. Smith, Loyalists and Redcoats: a study in British revolutionary politics. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P: 1964. Pp. xii, 199. 548 A. Temple Patterson, The Other Armada: the Franco-Spanish attempt to invade Britain in 177,9. Manchester UP: 1960. Pp. be, 247. Rev: EHR 77, 566. 547 Piers Mackesy, The War in the Mediterranean, 1803-1810. L: Longmans: 1957. Pp. xviii, 430. Rev: EHR 74, i68fF. - A. P, Ryan, *The defence of British trade with the Baltic, 1808- 1813*, EHR 74 (1959)5 444-66,-G. Northcote Parkinson, War in the Eastern Seas, 1793-1815. L: Allen & Unwin: 1954. Pp. 477. Rev: EHR 70, i56f. 548 Lawrence H. Gipson, The British Empire before the American Revolu- tion, vols. 6-12 (1754- I776)- New York: Knopf: 1946-67- Pp. xsocviij 426, xxxviii; xlviii, 467, xxxvi; xxv, 313, xlix; xliv, 345^ xlv; Ixxv, 579, xxv; Ivii, 372, xxx. Rev: EHR 79, issff.; 83, 1308*.; HJ 9, 396fL Also supplementary voL 13, in 3 parts: s& EHR 84, 616.