Political History 109 ments of protest are treated by Jenkins (a smart and biased account of the lords' resistance to reform},663 Steward (who at last gives the Ulster crisis the comprehensive treatment long called for),666 and Rover (a plain and not adequate treatment of the battle for women's franchise which, as usual, over- estimates the part played by the militants).667 Morgan shows how strong the political influence of Welsh radicalism with its religious overtones was from disestablishment to the fall of Lloyd George.668 An unusual viewpoint, not altogether dis- passionate, is provided for the understanding of those hundred years in the anonymous history of The Times newspaper (written by Stanley Morison).6*9 Despite all this, political biographies still appear in which political history must be hunted down, and despite everything the sometimes gifted amateur continues to operate. We confine ourselves in the main to the more professional works. Rolo's attempt to cope with the large and varied figure of Canning has partial success only.670 Two very different radical poli- ticians appear in New's solemn book on the lively, brilliant and irresponsible Brougham (New died before the work was finished) and in Driver's account of that honest and limited man, the tory reformer Oastler.671 Much more important is Gash's life of Peel, a work in the grand tradition of which only retirement', JMH 35 (1963), 354-65.-Neal Blewett, Tree Fooders, Balfourites, Whole Hoggers; factionalism within the Unionist party, 1906 - 1910*, HJ 11 (1968), 95-124. 6i5 Roy Jenkins, Mr Balfour's Poodle. L: Heinemann; 1954. Pp. 224. *6S A. C. Q.. Steward, The Ulster Crisis. L: Faber: 1967. Pp. 284. €*7 Constance Rover, Women^s Suffrage and Party Politics. L:Routledge: 1967. Pp. xvi, 240. Rev: EHR 84, 427^; HJ 12, 725^ 668 Kenneth O. Morgan, Wales in British Politics, 1868- igss. Cardiff: U of Wales P: 1963. Pp. xii, 353. ««fl The History of the Tims, vob. 3 and 4: 1884 -1920. L: Times Publishing Company: 1947* 1952. Pp, xv, 862; xvi, 534. *70 P. J. V, Rolo, George Canning: three biographical studies. L: Mac- millan: 1965. Pp. ix, 276. Rev: EHR 81, 6i3f. 871 Chester W. New, The life of Henry Brougham to 1830.0: Clarendon: 1961. Pp. xi, 458, Rev: EHR 78, 7398".- Cecil HL Driver, Tor? Radical: the life of Richard Oastkr. L: OUP: 1946. Pp. ix, 597.