110 The Xineteenth Century (1815 -1914] the first volume has so far appeared.672 Goderich, one of the most readily forgotten prime ministers of any age, is not rendered more memorable by his biographer.673 PeePs chief assistant, James Graham, has drawn two works: Erickson's adds mainly error to knowledge, while Ward gives a good straight account.674 Palmerston's astounding personality con- tinues to defeat the biographers.675 Eyck, on the other hand, does all that is necessary for the prince consort.676 The heavenly twins of mid-Victorian radicalism appear together in one book (which finds Cobden to be the more radical of the two);677 Bright alone forms the subject of Ausubel's honest revelations of the great man's moral dubieties,678 and of Sturgis's less critical review of his attitude to Britain's overseas expansion (animated by a liberal belief in self-determination, but totally unaware of the existence of nationalism).679 Gladstone has still not achieved a book of scholarly worth; of Magnus's biography all one can say is that it reads well.680 On the other hand, his great opponent now stands forth - if that is the right word - in Blake's splendid book which really brings him to *Ta Norman Gash, Mr Secretary Peel: the life of Sir Robert Peel to 1830. L: Longmans: 1961: Pp. xix, 693, Rev: EHR 78, 738ff. 173 Wilbur D. Jones, Prosperity Robinson: the life of Viscount Goderich^ 1782-185$. L: Macmillan: 1967. Pp. x, 324. Rev: EHR 84, 198. *74 Arvel B. Erickson, The Public Career of Sir James Graham. O: Blackwell: 1952. Pp. vii, 433. Rev: EHR 67, 588!?. -John T. Ward, Sir James Graham. L: Macmillan; 1967. Pp. xx, 356. Rev: Hist 53, 142. «*s Donald Southgate, *The Most English Prime Minister': the policies and politics of Palmerston, L: Macmillan: 1966. Pp. xxx, 647. Rev: *7* Frank Eyck, The Prince Consort. L: Ghatto & Windus: 1959. Pp. 269. Rev: EHR 76, 17 if. i77 Donald Read, Cobden and Bright: a Victorian political partnership. L: Arnold: 1967. Pp. ix, 275. Rev: EHR 84, 424^; HJ 12, 377ff. f 78 Herman Axisubel, John Bright, Victorian Reformer. New York: Wiley: 1966. Pp. xvi, 250. Rev: JMH 40, 290^ «7* James L. Sturgis, John Bright and the Empire. L: Athlone: 1969. Pp. x, 206. *8e Philip Magnus, Gladstone. L: Murray: 1954. Pp. xiv, 402. Rev: EHR 70,