Parliament and Parties 119 a much larger co-operative work has achieved its first volume only.7as A history- of the T.U.C. has the virtues (if any) and deficiencies of a semi-official account.739 Hobsbawm has looked at the efforts of the lowest layers to organize themselves,740 while of the elite unions only the railway-men's has received reasonably scholarly treatment.741 An odd aspect of trade union history, of which little is known, was the unions* share in promoting emigration - in the end to the detriment of their o\\n funds.742 The upright ineffectuals of the I.L.P., bearers of the true faith, have found their historian.743 The influence of the Fabians is uncritically hymned by Cole, herself involved, while the beginnings of a more doubtful attitude, of which more will be heard, appear in the book by McBriar which, in consequence, met with some execration.744 Some individuals receive their due, or more than their due. It took a Japanese scholar to cope with H. M. Hyndman, a socialist John Bull of essentially tory character;743 Masterman attends to a more typical figure, the sentimental Christian J. M. Ludlow.746 Foreign prophets, too, make their appearance: Collins and Abramsky look into the relations between England and the 73S H. A. Clegg, A. Fox, A. F. Thompson, A History of British Trade Unionism since j&Sp, vol. i: 1889-1910. O: Clarendon: 1964. Pp. ad, 514. Rev: EHR So, Syaf.; EcHR* 20, 359^. 73V Benjamin C. Roberts, Tfa Trades Union Congress^ 1868-1921. L: Allen & Unwin: 1958. Pp. 408. 748 Eric J. Hobsbawm, 'General labour unions, 1882 - 1914', EcHR* i (1948 -9), 123-42. 741 P. S. Gupta, 'Railway trade unionism in Britain, c. 1880 - 1900', EcHR* 19 (1966), 124-53. 742 Charlotte Erickson, *The encouragement of emigration by British trade unions, 1850- iqotf, Population Studies $ (1949 -50), 248-73. 743 Robert E. Dowse, Left in the Centre: the independent labour party, 1873-1940. L: Longmans: 1966. Pp. xi, 231. 744 Margaret Cole, The Story of Fabian Socialism. L: Helnemann: 1961. Pp. xv, 361. Rev: EHR 78, 816. - A. M. McBriar, Fabian Socialism in British Politics, 1884 -1318. CUP: 1962. Pp. x, 388. Rev: EHR 80, aoof. 743 Ghushichi Tsuzuki, H.M. Hyndman and British Socialism. L: OUP: 1961. Pp. viii, 304. Rev: EHR 77, 809. 7W Neville C. Masterman, John Malcolm Ludlow, the budlder of Christian Socialism. CUP: 1963. Pp. vii, 299.