144 Tke Nineteenth Century (1815 -1914] opposed by a liberal movement which had the firm support of Lord Acton.915 Nor was the fear - unreasoning and passion- ate-of Rome's intentions yet at an end.916 One man whom his study of the history of ideas rendered incapable of con- tinuing in the faith but not of continuing in a post ostensibly requiring Christian beliefs was Benjamin Jowett, that odd creature and improbably influential Oxford don.817 m Joseph L, Altholz, The Liberal Catholic Movement in England: the 'Rambler* and Us contributors, 1848-1864. L: Burns & Gates: 1962. Pp. x, 251. Rev: AHR, 70, i26f. m Edward R. Norman, Anticatholichm in Victorian England. L: Allen & Unwin: 1968. Pp. 240. Rev: EHR 85, 196; VS 12, 452ff. 917 Geoffrey Faber, Joxett: a portrait with background. L: Faber: 1957. Pp. 456.