Printing 171 century, and Frank's thorough investigation of the technical process of production and distribution has at last made this material properly usable.1072 In the eighteenth century, the centre of gravity temporarily moved into the provinces.1073 Munter supplies the information on the parallel developments in Ireland.1074 Rea investigates the part the press played in the politics of the upheavals caused by George Ill's accession and personality.1075 For the nineteenth century, one must not over- look the History of the Times which in its general concern with the nation spares time for the particulars of that newspaper, too (n. 669). Olive's discussion of a famous slayer of the (intellectual) heathen contains much illumination beyond the theme as stated.1076 A potentially most valuable attempt is made by Dalziel in her look at Victorian romances, books of edification, and similar low-level literature; but while this ought to throw floods of light on general and commonplace attitudes, the author writes from too far away, physically and in the spirit.1077 The greatest news agency of all has also re- ceived its history, to remind us that printing is no longer the last word in communications.1078 1072 Joseph Frank, The Beginnings of the English Newspapers, i6so ~ 1660. G (Mass.) Harvard UP: 1961. Pp. x, 384 Rev: EHR 78, 78of. 1073 G. A. Cranfield, A Hand-List of English Provincial Newspapers and Periodicals, IJQO -1760. G: Bowes & Bowes: 1952. Pp. viii, 31. - Idem, The Development of the Provincial Newspaper, 1700 - /;6b. O: Clarendon: 1962. Pp. xiv, 287. Rev: EHR 79, 853^; JffJ 7, 336flf. - R. M. Wiles, Freshest Advice: earliest provincial newspapers in England. Columbus: Ohio State UP: 1965. Pp. xv, 555. 1074 R. Munter, The History of the Irish Newspaper, 1685 -1760. CUP: 1967. Pp. xiii, 217. Rev: EHR 83, 842; EcHR* 20, 398f. 1075 Robert R. Rea, The English Press in Politics, 1760 -1774. Lincoln, Neb.: U of Nebraska P.: 1963. Pp. «, 272. im John Clive, Scotch Reviewers: the Edinburgh Review, 1808-18*5. L: Faber: 1957. Pp. 224. Rev: EcHR* n, 527. 1077 Margaret Dalziel, Popular Fiction 100 Tears Ago: an mexplored tract of literary history. L: Cohen & West: 1967. Pp. vii, 188. 1078 Graham Storey, Renter's Centenary, 1851 -1951. L: Parrish: 1951, Pp. xii, 276.